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We are a community of innovators, educators, learners, and technology leaders who are driven by uplifting themselves and everyone around them through innovation and creation.

Creating spaces for building connections

Uplifters believe in the power of creating connections to open opportunities and drive growth.

The Uplift Code Camp Community Meetups are spaces to grow connections, meet new people and create bonds. 🫶🏼

Creating spaces for innovation

Building applications is embedded in the DNA of Uplift Code Camp.

Our project making and hackathons inspire creativity, collaboration, and solution-building to real-world challenges.

Community Game Nights

Creating spaces for laughter

Learning is more fulfilling and effective when we are having fun.

The Uplift Code Camp Game Nights are breathers to have fun, de-stress, play games and win prizes. ✨

Join our Discord community. Where people build, inspire and have fun together.